Category Archives: Newsletter

Holiday Newsletter

The holidays often find us at our busiest, most stressed, least careful, and most distracted. They also bring a sudden, seasonal spike in the flow of goods, money and digital information through our homes and businesses. Criminals know, and prey, on this — waiting to catch you off guard, while they make off with personal

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Your Life Insurance Options

  Buying Life Insurance? Ask These Six Questions Are you considering a term life insurance policy? If so, it’s important you do your homework to ensure that you get the policy you need. Here are six questions to ask before you sign on the dotted line. What are your income needs? It’s important to consider

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Annual Privacy Statement August 2014

Annual Privacy Statement THE MORAN GROUP, LLC ——————————————————————————– IMPORTANT NOTICE CONCERNING OUR INSURANCE INFORMATION PRACTICES PROTECTING YOUR RIGHT TO PRIVACY: You have a right to privacy, and we are concerned about protecting this right. For that reason, we are providing you with this Insurance Information Practices Notice in accordance with the law. Although we encourage

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I.I.I. and IBHS Offer Most Important Preparedness Strategies For Hurricane Season

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE I.I.I. New York Press Office: (212) 346-5500; IBHS Press Office: 813-675-1047 NEW YORK, May 22, 2014 — Forecasters from Colorado State University (CSU) predict a mild 2014 Atlantic hurricane season, but those who live in hurricane prone areas of the country should not assume they will not be hit by a storm, say the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) and the Institute for Business

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Winter Weather Notice January 2014

Preventing and Thawing Frozen Pipes Being prepared and informed may help you to avoid the messy and often expensive issue of frozen pipes. The American Red Cross provides information and suggestions around how to prevent water pipes in the home from freezing, and how to thaw them if they do freeze. Why Frozen Pipes Are

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November Newsletter

Winterize your home and property Ice, snow and wind can have devastating consequences on your home. The time to winterize is when the leaves begin to turn and not when the snow begins to fall. Homeowners should take the following precautions: Maintain gutters Remove leaves, acorns, sticks and other debris from gutters so melting snow

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Moran Health Care Reform Web Meeting.

            IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR COMMERCIAL LINES CLIENTS  Please join our strategic benefit consulting partners, Employee Benefit Services of Maryland during their Webinar series, PPACA 101 and 202. PPACA 101 is designed to take an employer through the intricacies of Obamacare, also known as Patience Protection Affordable Care Act or PPACA. By the

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Great Hurricane Tips, June 2013

Preparing your business for the storm as we begin Hurricane Season If your business is in the projected path of a hurricane, you need to act quickly to protect your people and your property. Steps you take now can go a long way toward keeping people safe and minimizing damage: Be sure that employee contact

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Welcome Summer – Great Grilling Safety Tips

             New law will crack down on distracted driving  Maryland agents and their customers will have new motivation to put down their phones while driving when a new law takes effect in October. Legislation passed earlier this month by the Maryland General Assembly gets tough on distracted driving by strengthening the

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Go Paperless with Moran

      How to Behave After an Auto Accident  Accidents happen when we least expect them. Auto accidents are no exception. Here are some steps to take if you are involved in an auto accident: Most important, establish whether anyone is injured. If so, call 911immediately. Unless you are blocking traffic, try not to

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