Holiday Party Safety Tips


For most, the holiday season is about spending time with family and friends, and usually involves parties, good food and laughter. Another facet of the holidays is the additional amount of travel that comes along with attending various functions coupled with the increased amount of holiday shoppers on the road. So while the holidays can be an exciting time, there are some important things to consider to help keep you and your guests safe this season.

If you’re hosting a party, there are lots of things to take into account, whether it’s trying to bake the perfect dessert, making sure you have enough food or worrying whether there’s enough parking in your neighborhood for all your guests. With all that goes into planning a seasonal get-together, it’s important not to overlook your holiday party safety plans.

Holiday parties often involve alcohol, and while you want your guests to enjoy themselves, it’s also important to make sure they are being responsible. This involves keeping an eye out for anyone who may be drinking too much, and either providing a place to stay or a means to get home with a designated driver. Here are a few steps you can take to prevent holiday drinking and driving.

  • Have a designated driver.It’s one of the simplest rules to follow, but also one of the most effective in keeping people safe on the roads.
  • Have cab numbers on hand.If someone should not be driving and they insist on going home, call a cab for them instead of allowing them to take the risk of driving home.
  • Offer plenty of non-alcoholic drinks.While many guests may want to enjoy the holidays with an alcoholic drink, offer non-alcoholic drinks as an option.
  • Offer food if you’re offering alcohol.Drinking on an empty stomach can cause a person to become intoxicated faster. Offering food along with drinks may help prevent guests from over-indulging on alcohol alone.

Holiday Driving Tips

If possible, drivers should try to stay off the road between the hours of midnight and 3 a.m., when drunk driving accidents are most likely, according to research from the U.S. Department of Transportation. And if the weather is bad, which can easily happen in the northern and central states, consider revising your plans so you won’t have to travel on icy or snowy roads. With a little foresight and by taking precautions, you can enjoy your holiday season and stay safe as well.